A monkey experiment was conducted at Harvard University in the United States, which is being strongly criticized by primatologists around the world.

Let's look at the article together.

Margaret Livingston, a neurobiologist at Harvard Medical School, has reported that unethical experiments using monkeys are being conducted in his laboratory.

The research team separated the young from the mother monkey who had just given birth and gave them a stuffed toy instead, as you can see.

It was said that it was an experiment to see if they felt attached to inanimate objects.

This experiment, conducted in September, was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, and the controversy over violation of research ethics among scholars began to grow fiercely, and the previous experiment conducted by the research team also drew attention.

It was an experiment in which the eyelids of a baby monkey were sealed and left blind for a year to track changes in the optic nerve. sent

However, Harvard University defended that Livingston's experiments provide important knowledge for blindness and brain development, saying, "There is a concern about personal attacks on scientists who are working for the benefit of mankind."